Monday, 5 July 2010

Try harder Lolita. Your 15 minutes of fame aren't enough...

Welcome back, elites,alites,felites & dielites reading this blog fanatically even though you all come from...let's rephrase,different worlds.
 BadMediaKarma has always been a place where attention-hoes and dielites rant about pointless-stuff we don't care about daily with a lot of fake applause. So here comes the juice (from no concentrate).
 Lolita...Oh Lolita. Are you the cherry on top of the drama cake? I guess... Not.

1. You calling a mother of a stardoll member a prostitute wasn't nice Lolita...

2. Lolita haters stop writing about her, will you? Don't you see you are really making her furious (that being said with some sarcasm is just fabulous)

3. Lolita, Lolita, have you changed? This Queen thinks so too.
I guess some people (*cough* Lolita *cough*) change over popularity on stardoll. Oh well, they are what they are now and this Queen is here to gossip about their sins.

 She is a 17 year old American who can...barely spell?  Perhaps spending less time on stardoll and more time on private english lessons?

 Smells like Dielite business to me,huns.

- The Queen

1 comment:

nik - firecracker. said...

well written,
but old, old, old news.
and quite tiring, actually .
but good start.